Automated shipping and tracking

Enter a new logistics era with Printags. We're revolutionizing the shipping and tracking of your PVC cards with our innovative API. Say goodbye to delays and hassles, and discover a solution with which every shipment is orchestrated with absolute precision. With Printags, shipping becomes a seamless experience, freeing your business to focus on growth and customer satisfaction.

Revolutionize your logistics

At Printags, our automated shipping and tracking system is designed for seamless integration into your existing processes. Thanks to our user-friendly API, communication between our platforms is seamless, enabling efficient automation of the order and shipment tracking process.

What's more, our commitment to social and environmental responsibility translates into sustainable practices such as short supply chains and locating our production facilities close to areas of demand.

Finally, our optimized process guarantees exceptional quality at every stage, thanks to our skilled teams and the use of state-of-the-art technology. At Printags, we are committed to providing a shipping and tracking solution that meets our customers' needs while embodying our values of efficiency, sustainability and quality.

Find your Printags solution

Contact us today to discuss how Printags can meet your specific needs for printing, NFC encoding, and shipping of all types of cards.

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