Connected vs. virtual business card: which format to choose?

Connected vs. virtual business card: which format to choose?

The traditional method of distributing paper business cards has long been the norm, but it has its limits. How many times have we seen these precious cards lost in our bags or forgotten at the bottom of a drawer? Although paper business cards have an undeniable visual impact, today there are more durable and effective alternatives.

Connected and virtual business cards are modern solutions that enable us to share our contact details without physical contact, thanks to technologies such as NFC (Near Field Communication) or QR codes.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at these two alternatives and find out which is the best option for your needs.

The virtual business card

The virtual business card is an electronic version of the traditional paper business card. Instead of being printed on a physical medium, the virtual business card is shared and stored in digital format, usually via electronic means such as e-mail, messaging applications or social networks.

How to use a digital business card

A virtual business card can contain information similar to that of a physical business card, such as name, e-mail address, telephone number, website and other contact details. 

However, the virtual business card can be more personalized, allowing you to include links to social networking profiles, presentation videos, images and more.

The main advantage of the virtual business card is its ease of distribution and access. Being shared electronically, it can reach a wider audience quickly and cost-effectively. 

What's more, being stored in digital format, it's easier to manage and update, as there's no need to reprint it each time contact details change or new information is added.

The connected business card

The connected business card, available in materials such as PVC, wood or metal, offers an innovative approach to the traditional paper business card. Incorporating technologies such as NFC (Near Field Communication) or QR codes, it enables interaction with electronic devices.

How it works is simple: when a user approaches their NFC-equipped device or scans the QR code on the connected business card, they are redirected to the card owner's contact details, stored online or on a dedicated server. 

Using NFC technology, some connected business cards can even exchange information directly between two NFC-compatible devices, without the need to scan a code.

Why is the connected business card still relevant?

While the future of the business card may seem virtual, the connected business card remains relevant in today's professional world. 

This innovative form of business card combines modern technology with the tangible presence of a physical card, offering a solution that doesn't lose sight of the importance of human interaction. 

Here's why the connected business card continues to be an essential tool for professionals:

  • Memorable, tactile interaction: Unlike the virtual business card, the connected business card offers a tactile experience that can be memorable for those who receive it. The sensation of holding a physical card and the resulting interaction can leave a lasting impression.
  • Visual impact and professionalism: The connected business card retains the traditional look of a physical business card, giving it an impression of professionalism. It also offers the advantage of integrated technology, making it attractive and memorable.
  • Ease of use : While the virtual business card is convenient for sharing information online, the connected business card offers similar ease of use, enabling fast, contactless information exchange using NFC technology.
  • Data security : Unlike virtual business cards, which can be exposed to the risk of online hacking or data theft, the connected business card offers an extra level of security. Information is exchanged locally via NFC technology, reducing data security risks.

When to use the connected business card and when to use the virtual one?

When it comes to choosing between a connected business card and a virtual business card, several factors need to be taken into account, depending on the specific needs of each situation. 

Here are some tips on when to use each type of card:

Use the connected business card when :

  • You attend events in person and are looking to make a tangible impression at a business meeting.
  • You value data security. The connected business card uses NFC technology to exchange information locally, reducing the risk of hacking or data theft compared with online virtual cards.
  • For industries where physical contact is important, such as real estate or financial services.
  • If you prefer a more traditional approach, but with a technological twist.
  • If you have the budget to invest in physical cards equipped with an NFC chip.

Using a virtual map :

  • When you're on a budget or looking for a free option.
  • For professionals who interact mainly online or remotely.
  • If you want to reduce environmental impact by avoiding the use of physical materials.
  • For fast, easy distribution via digital platforms such as e-mail or social networks.
  • If you often need to update your contact information or add new items to your card, the virtual version offers flexibility and ease of updating without having to reprint new physical cards.

Ultimately, the choice between a connected and a virtual business card will depend on your needs, your budget and your preference for physical or digital contact.

If you are a supplier of connected business cards and are looking to offer your customers innovative, high-quality solutions, we invite you to discover the services of Printags. With our expertise inPVC card printing we're here to meet your specific needs.

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